ADVANTAGEOUSLY CONTAGIOUS This blog is designed with you in mind. Everyone wants the best health or better health.
HELLO COME ON IN. I am anxious to meet you and let you get to know me a little better and understand more of the reasons that I am pursuing this particular business and why I love promoting better health and wellness inside and out. Please feel free to contact me with your questions. To check out my official site and find out more in your language please go to I would love to have you join me, no matter which part of the world you live in. Also, please join my followers on my blog here and also Follow Me - by e-mail. All serious, legitimate questions will be answered. ***** Interested? Questions?
Sunday, March 27, 2011
What is Your Priority?
I am here to help you understand why this is so important. We still have MDs that are not educated or well informed about why we should enhance or bodies with more nutrition.
For years now, the news has been available that the food is no longer as beneficial as it once was. Chalk this up to the fact that our soil is depleted, food is harvested before it is ripe, and storage and shipping deplete the vitamins and minerals. I don't know if the doctors really want to keep us blinded so they can help to market medication or they are just too lazy to study. I will leave that to your thoughts.
We have discovered in more recent years just exactly what particular vitamins, minerals and antioxidants do for us. Do we really want to know or just haven't implemented what we do know? OR is it that we have put this way down the list as being important in our lives?
It is obvious that many more people are becoming aware and getting involved in their own health, but we still have a long way to go.
Does it cure everything? No! But, do you keep your care running longer and more efficiently by washing, waxing and vacuuming it and changing the oil and greasing it? Isn't your body more important? Where are our priorities?
Keep in mind that any illness or disease in your body didn't appear over night. Start your children early on good habits of eating and adding additional nutrition and be sure to keep on keeping on through adult-hood.
For more information on great nutritional supplements and antioxidant juice, please stop by for a visit. If you have any questions, please feel free to discuss with me. You will find these products to be good or better prices than elsewhere. They are guaranteed, too. It is so easy to contact me. On the right side of this page it says Talk To Me. It's free.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Is Your Vitamin D Intake Too Low?
Vitamin D affects some 2,000 genes and could raise your immunity to fight off everything from depression to cancer. Many of us are already deficient. Based on new research you need 1,000 – 2,000 IUs daily.
As far as depression, researchers are not quite sure why, but the vitamin seems to have mood-regulating powers.
Vitamin D regulates cellular growth, so if a cell becomes abnormal or malignant, Vitamin D tries to normalize it or kill it by blocking off its blood supply. The body can’t cancel out suspicious activity fast enough, without enough Vit. D leaving the door open for Cancer.
Vitamin D may be the number one key to building a stronger skeleton by promoting calcium absorption.
Not to be forgotten is the need for Vitamin D for the auto-immune diseases. Research has shown that ample Vitamin D levels could cut a woman’s overall MS risk by 40 percent. But, just what is an ample level? That is up for debate as well at this time, though most experts recommend a Vitamin D measurement of 30 – 100 ng/mL. You need a blood test at your doctor’s in order to check out this level.
While it is undecided at this time as to whether taking Vitamin D will prevent heart disease, the American Health Association acknowledges that Vitamin D plays a role in heart health, likely because it can help regulate blood pressure.
I am proud to say that the doctors that were involved in making the decision as to the amount of Vitamin D necessary for optimum health decided that 2,000 IUs should be included in our 3SIXTY5™ nutritional supplement.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Could Mangosteen Help with Vertigo?
"My husband and I have taken the Mangosteen juice for close to a month now with incredible results. I suffered with vertigo for a little over a year now. The vertigo started after a car accident.
I recently was going through another spell of the vertigo. I was to the point where I was considering taking time off from work. I was very fatigued and short of breath. I had spells where the vertigo came on while I was driving. I felt like I was in a brain fog and upon moving around it would get so bad my eyes teared up and I felt like I was going to pass out. I was scared and thought I was going out of my mind. I didn't want to do anything. I felt good resting.
I was introduced to the Mangosteen juice by my boss. I had tasted it and bought a bottle of it from her. The next day I went to work and my brain fog was gone. I wasn't out of breath or fatigued.
I had to find out what was Mangosteen and why did I feel so great! I looked up Mangosteen and what it helped with and among the list was anti-vertigo (dizziness).
I continued on the Mangosteen juice and had my husband start drinking his 2 ounce serving everyday as well. He has been sleeping better and has increased energy.
I feel like a new me and can move around without having to worry about the next vertigo spell.
Melanie P.
Rockhill, SC"
Here is one Mangosteen supplement that is great tasting and is the only one to use the whole fruit.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Another Warning About Prescription Drugs
I believe one thing that keeps people from using natural products is that they do not see immediate relief. It is important to take any nutritional supplement for at least 2 - 3 months for any noticeable benefits. Many times the illness or problem that we have has been in our body a long time or been getting worse over time. It will take the natural supplement time to improve the body's situation and rebuild. We can't expect it to happen overnight if it took longer in the first place. Remember all prescription drugs have side-effects. Natural supplements do not.
Here is a great article to read about the possible side-effects of prescription drugs. Please read.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Confused About the Need for Extra Nutrition?
One person tells us we don’t need to take vitamin supplements and others say that we must. The best way to make a decision is to watch for and notice the results of either using or not using supplements that are being reported.
I believe some people are stuck in the old school thought. Take for example the huge article in Reader’s Digest recently proclaiming that vitamins and minerals were not necessary. But, she didn’t stop there. She even went on to say that some vitamins will harm you.
I couldn’t find her background and felt that she was writing more as a freelance author. (IMHO of course.)
Granted some people obtain their knowledge from just a few circumstances that they have heard or observed.
Several years ago people were taking excessive Vitamin A. They thought if a little was good for them, then more ought to be better. In this case it proved to be true as Vitamin A accumulates in the body and becomes toxic. Fast forward – Beta- Carotene entered the scene. It was noted that you could take more of the Beta-Carotene without harmful effects, because your body utilized only what it needed. Instead of forcing the body to accept something it doesn’t need, it is allowed to make that choice for itself.
To blatantly make the proclamation that all vitamins and minerals are unnecessary or even dangerous is swinging the pendulum too far in the opposite direction. We have come too far in our studies and trials where we could easily prove otherwise.
Some of the arguments that this author was using were made to sound like the gospel and last word. She was making the statement that we should be able to get all of our vitamins and minerals from the food that we consume daily.
I wondered where she has been the last several years while even some doctors were making a different observation. We do not and cannot get all of the nutrition that we need from the food we eat daily. In case some of us have forgotten let’s review some of the other reasons we are not getting all of the vitamins and minerals that we need.
1. Does anyone actually eat everything they should to absorb the necessary vitamins and minerals? If you were to eat as many different kinds of vegetables, fruits, meats and dairy products to give yourselves the needed nutrition, we would probably look like a stuffed pig. True it is better to get your nutrition first from the food you eat. This is better than nothing at all.
2. Where does your food come from? Most likely a long distance from your home unless you get all of your food from your garden or a local market. Remember, too, that each of our needs are different.
3. It is then stored for a duration.
4. Then transported to either the grocery shelf or the canning factory
5. It is stored again and probably refrigerated.
6. It sits on the grocery shelf for days or even in their refrigerator for days.
7. You purchase it and ‘fix’ it. You either store it in your ‘fridge’ or you peel, wash and cook it.
8. Sometimes we even store it in the ‘fridge’ and re-warm it.
9. This should have gone at the head of the list. Produce is picked before it is ripe thereby not allowing it to manufacture its prime vitamins and
minerals that are supposed to be in there. Not to mention that they even spray paint it to look like it is ripe.
10. Oh yes, and some, if not all, produce is grown with the assistance of pesticides and herbicides.
11. And the ground we used to grow our food in is depleted of the nutrition it needs.
Now go back and take a look at this list. To get a better idea as to whether you are getting enough nutrition out of the all of the food that you eat, let’s use a score to get an idea.
Whether the score should be 10% or only 3%, it does make us visualize what is happening to our food.
If each of these activities accounts for 10% loss of vitamins and minerals from your food before you eat it that would be approximately 110% loss out of your food. What’s left?
If you are planning on supporting your diet with vitamin and mineral supplementation, it needs to be one that will actually work and do what it is supposed to do. It has been noted that we benefit more from a natural product. We can take a higher dosage if it is natural, because we cannot take as much of a synthetic. A synthetic contains more impurities which is not good for us.
Let’s look at another reason we should take a supplementation. Many people try to cure their diseases ‘after the fact’ with medication.
Wouldn’t it be better to let the body do what it is supposed to do, in the first place? If it is fed the right thing in proper amounts, it will keep us healthy and safe from many diseases and maladies. The body does this on its own as designed. But, it needs the right nutrition given it so that it can do so.
Okay, one other thing we have not gone over as yet are free radicals. I won’t go into all of the reasons we have free radicals, such as polluted water, air and even food grown with pesticides and herbicides, but they are there.You CANNOT avoid them. You can’t stop breathing, eating and drinking water.
While considering your vitamin and mineral selections be wary of how it is made and where it comes from and if it is chelated so that it can be absorbed better by the body. Vitamins and minerals work better together than they do individually. Be sure to get something that is bio-available. Don’t forget your antioxidants.
They are the little ‘gizmos’ that protect you from the free radicals.
When you hear or read a topic that blatantly tells you that you do or do not need supplementation, stop and find out why and who said so and get a little back ground. Be observant of when and how nutrition has helped someone.
Also, keep in mind that the RDA is the minimum that we need and it is set for everyone, not by age, or size.
Do our children need supplementation? Does your doctor insist that you take a supplementation when you are pregnant? Does he suggest giving your infant supplementation? Wouldn’t you rather assist your child’s body so that it can grow as best as it should and stay healthy before they come into contact with the germs or free radicals that are out there? Don’t take my word for it.
Check it out. This is not just IMHO (in my humble opinion). It has been studied and we can observe what it does for others. In my mind this is the best scientific study we can have. You can even note that recently doctors have become quite aware of the need for Vitamin D.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Charlie Sheen: What About Michael J. Fox and Christopher Reeve?
Great writeup and thought provoking.
Re-posting from FB
Run on over to XanGo(tm) as suggested and then if you have more questions, contact me.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Broke? Out of work? Want to get started in a business of your own?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Check out this combo.
Once you order, let me know either at my Contact Page on my site or e-mail me at the e-mail address on this website. I will tell Lexi and you may choose a bracelet or necklace of your choice. I will cover the cost up to $35.00. We can help Lexi and you can have a beautiful piece of hand crafted jewelry. You won't be disappointed.
I have a beautiful custom made bracelet for Cancer Awareness from Lexi. And she handles her business with professionalism and integrity.
Green Tea or Mangosteen
Did you know that the whole fruit Mangosteen Juice has Xanthones. Xanthones are polyphenols found in plants, flavanoids, catechins and proanthocyanidia. Approximately 43 Xanthones of the 200 known Xanthones have been found in the Mangosteen. Did you know that a derivative is taking one portion of a Xanthone instead of using it in its entirety? It works better together. XanGo™ juice is NOT a derivative.
XanGo™ does not add vitamins and minerals. This is meant to be used as a powerful antioxidant.
One ounce servings is easier and quicker than trying to get 3 cups of green tea. If you are one of those people that doesn’t care for green tea, this may be your answer.
Safe for Diabetics. Did you know that one ounce has only 3.2 total grams of carbohydrates per ounce. You would have to have 5 times that much to equal one serving size suggested for diabetics. Safe for baby, grandma, and aunt.
Is your child picky? If they haven’t learned to enjoy the taste at first, you can add it to applesauce, orange juice or ice cream. It is delicious.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Support a balanced state of physical, mental and emotional well-being
See what Dr. Mercola has to say today about visiting these types
of doctors about your mental health.
There was a time a few months ago that my husband cried easily and since I had tried this new supplement myself, I asked our family doctor if it would be safe for him to use with all of his other medications. He looked at the ingredients and remarked, "It shouldn't hurt anything, as it is all natural. It may not be enough, but he can take it." My husband did take it and his tearfulness left him.
I am not for one minute making a statement that this will help your situation, but it might be worth a try. Because, I am under a lot of stress in caring for my husband, I take 2 tablets daily. Up to 6 can be taken daily.
Have fun taking this simple, private survey to see if you might be a person that could benefit from this natural supplement. Survey here.
After taking your survey, if you are interested in trying Eleviv(tm)contact me for more information or visit my website.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Is this what your diary looks like?
This is what my diary might have looked like a few years ago.
Not another night and day of this!
Entry #1 Kids are both home from school again. That sure adds to the snow days.
Entry #2 Another morning with my number #1 son waking up with fever, aches and chills. He has the flu.
Entry #3 Not to be outdone, today son #2 has the flu.
Entry #4 I am feeling exhausted and am relishing in the 3 hours of uninterrupted time to myself while the boys finally sleep.
Entry #5 Today, I walked out to get the mail in the 30 degree temperature. It is one way to tell if you have the flu, when you get winded and sweat profusely.
Entry #6 There is nothing quite like waking up to the sound (and smell) of a child’s forceful vomiting. First the flu and now the ‘stomach bug’.
Entry #7 Another day home from school, son still not able to keep food on stomach.
Entry #8 My turn again. I was up all night with the stomach bug. When you have kids in school or day care, they always bring home something. All of this in the last 6 weeks. I will be so glad when we are all well again. Hubby has used up his sick days. Having the kids sleep in another room didn’t keep it from spreading to the rest of the family.
I don’t know how many trips I have made to the doctors. I am just happy that we didn’t have any ear aches, bronchitis or pneumonia. Medicines and doctor bills are adding to our list of expenses.
I raised five children and have walked through their colds, measles, chicken pox, flu etc. I worried about them getting into dangerous things, because we lived on the farm. They rode horses, played and jumped in the hay mow, road on the tractor with their Dad, had pet animals like a lamb and ran from attacking geese that chased them. We had a garden with fresh vegetables and home grown meat. Food is not as healthful as it used to be and we don’t live on the farm anymore. Food travels a long ways and has too many things done to it before we even see it. Did you ever wonder where all the nutrition went? Ten percent is lost at every step of the way, from transportation, to preparation.
Right out of high school I obtained a job for a Radiologist. I was her secretary, receptionist and trained to be a technician. I was an X-Ray technician both in civilian and military life. I was also a nurse’s aide at three geriatric homes. I loved kids and worked with them in a Christian club called AWANA, as a Commander and Blue Birds. We enjoyed many Halloween parties and hay rides at our farm. I seemed to always be finding some girl to foster and bring into my home. When, I joined the Air Force, I was stationed at a SAC base which meant that I had to have a clean record.
Later I became a volunteer for the American Red Cross, where I trained to work in Disasters. I worked in the Records and Reports department and was sent out on 2 - 3 week sessions to other states. Here again my reputation, honesty, integrity and protecting private information was needed. Each of these areas of my life encompassed working with people, especially in the health arena. I have taken Sign Language courses at the community college and worked with deaf children.
I was involved in another networking business years ago where I marketed another nutritional supplement. I was able to sit under the tutelage of many respected and knowledgeable people to learn so much about nutrition.
My husband has had many surgeries, open heart surgery for valve replacement, 2 back surgeries, a total knee replacement, and hand surgery. He used to be a carpenter (after being a farmer) and he could no longer do that kind of work and became a greeter at Sam’s Club(tm) for awhile. While I loved volunteering with American Red Cross, it became too much work wearing so many hats, to take care of my husband and volunteer and care for the home front at the same time. At this time I tried temporary jobs, since I didn’t have a resume. I realized that I needed to supplement our social security. It should come as no surprise that social security is not sufficient. When I found my new business in the health industry, I was excited to find that it was right up my alley. I am very concerned about people’s health and lifestyle that affects their health. This gave me the opportunity to work with people, teaching them about better health and nutrition. I come in contact daily with information that there is always yet another type of illness out there, that I have never heard of in the past.
Does this diary sound like you or someone in your family? It is so much easier to prevent an illness than to try to combat it. My husband and I have not had one cold or flu in the last 5½ years that we have used a powerful super fruit juice called Mangosteen. It doesn’t sound like it could be that powerful, because after all it is just a fruit juice. But, the one major difference is what makes all the difference and that is the Xanthones. You may have heard of them elsewhere, but you will never have heard of them being used without having been separated or used as a derivative. The entire portion of the 42 Xanthones of the 200 known were found in this little fruit. The entire fruit is made into a pulp and then as a juice to help us with our immunity and health. Small amounts of other juices are added to make it taste as great as it does. The pericarp would be bitter otherwise. This little Mangosteen fruit has been known to be used internally and externally as far back as the sixteenth century as documented.
Wouldn’t it be really great, to know that you can plan on your day or week for work, activities and all without coming down with another illness? It is so easy to take the bottle from the refrigerator and pour just one ounce of juice for each family member. We have been doing this for 5 ½ years and have not had any cold or flu. We do need to form habits. But, you can make it a habit to get it out when you reach for the OJ or milk in the morning. The kids will love the taste and will remind you.
Is your family on the go and not able to take it at lunch time? No problem. We have wonderful one ounce packets to slip into the lunch box or back pack. They taste delicious and they won’t forget to take them. Only 3 ounces a day is a great preventative. Bump up the dosage if you have inflammation or illness somewhere in your body.
Have you seen the ad on TV where this lady is telling this man named Mucous that it is all his fault that she can’t breathe? He says, “It isn’t my fault. It isn’t mucous causing your problem. It is inflammation.” Exactly! This is why I no longer have headaches when I have allergies, because I use the Mangosteen juice and it helps me combat the inflammation.
Okay, I hear you saying, “but I take Advil, Tylenol, or cold meds.” These are helpful, but once again they are not natural products. Dr. Rosenfeld said on TV the other morning that every med had some poison in them. Sometimes we need them. But, whenever possible it is much better to use something natural and before we get sick.
Isn’t your and your family’s health worth it to you? Wouldn’t it be great to know that you could plan the whole week or the whole month of things that you ought to do or want to do without worrying about being sick all the time? Wouldn’t it be great not to have to shuck out more money to doctors, hospitals and the pharmacy? Wouldn’t it be great just to feel great all the time? Don’t lose out on anymore sleep, days of work or school or feeling miserable.
If this doesn’t concern you, this should. All major illnesses start in our body way before we are aware of them. As I mentioned above, it is much easier to stay healthy than it is to try to combat an illness. Prevention is the key. I hear way too many people stating that they are as healthy as a horse and ‘I don’t get sick’ and ‘I am just fine’. Prepare ahead of time. It is much easier and less expensive, too. My husband uses this juice to combat his COPD. It has not gotten any worse and he has not had any setbacks because of it. COPD can only be controlled and that is what he is doing. I use it for my allergies, so that I don’t have any headaches anymore. It gets rid of the inflammation associated with them. I have even seen my cholesterol readings come down 15%.
We hope that we never have a fire in our home, but we have a smoke detector and fire extinguisher just in case. Be sure you have your insurance for your health ahead of time by doing something before the fact. Fight the Fatal Five, heart disease, cancer, stroke, lung disease and diabetes.
I don’t just market my products. I follow up with everyone to make sure that they know how to use the products and that they are using them correctly. If they are dissatisfied, I will help them get their refund. You can use the products for yourself or share them with others. There is nothing mandatory about this membership. If you wish to build the business, you will never lose it or lose your title, because you are unable to perform a certain criteria.
I use e-mail and IMs to walk you through the sign-up process. Become a member by registering for just $35.00 for the entire year or also chose to buy an initial product or products and/or sign up for an ADP (automatic delivery) so that you won’t run out and forget to order. This can be changed with a simple phone call to the company.
I hope to get to know you better and learn more about your health problems and worries. I have big shoulders. If I don’t know if it will help you, I will tell you so. Remember prevention first.
My Website
Thursday, March 3, 2011
What's In Your Personal Care Products?
I have to admit that even though I have the list that tells me what dangerous products to avoid; I am still in the process of eliminating those that I would rather not use.
Have you ever tried really reading what is in the ingredients? I think they are in rather small print to begin with. It could be that my eyes are not as good as they used to be, but some companies seem to make it a chore to find out. They even put dark font on dark background. Duh!
Did you know that even though you thought your product was safe, they do not have to list everything. Wow, big help, right?
I would like to invite you to visit a website that will help you to some degree. It is put out by the Environmental Working Group. You can enter a product name and check to see how safe it is.
I will say, that some have a slight hazardous mark next to them, but you need to read this explanation as to why it might have this mark next to it, before you take it too seriously. If you are concerned it may direct you to read the statement that I have posted below. Then it will explain why it might be hazardous if any, within that product.
"Given the incomplete information made available by companies and the government, EWG provides additional information on personal care product ingredients from the published scientific literature. The chart below indicates that research studies have found that exposure to one or more ingredients in this product -- not the product itself -- caused the indicated health effect(s) in the studies reviewed by Skin Deep researchers. Actual health risks, if any, will vary based on the level of exposure to the ingredient and individual susceptibility -- information not available in Skin Deep."
When our product first came out, they couldn't even evaluate it well enough, because they had a different criteria than they did have for more natural products. In other words they were trying to compare apples with oranges.
All of this to say, I recommend that you check out your products at this website.
If you are looking for something that you can rely on, please check out our Glimpse Skin Care System which has many attributes besides just cleansing the face, such as being helpful for Rosacea, Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, etc.. You may find out all about this Skin Care System here. Also, visit the Glimpse Blog.
To try our product without risk, please visit my personal website.